Two dancers using all the spaces in a school (this proposition could also include an artist from another discipline: plastician, musician, landscape artist…)
Audience // Children, teachers, ATSEM, maintenance personnel, parents and anyone who happens to be on site.
For kindergartens and elementary schools (also possible to decline these interventions for middle and high schools – contact the company).
Duration // 3 days
Art is at the heart of the school during several days in a row. Dance in all its forms, improvisations, workshops, dance games in the playground… A privileged human connection.
During 3 days (the exact format is to be defined with each partner) dancers and artists occupy the school. (The teams can equally adapt themselves to the size of the hosting establishment.) From the minute the children arrive in the morning to closing time, the artists are present and active: they warm up in the playground while the children arrive, they pass through the classes, at times expected and others a complete surprise, dancing, drawing, observing and sharing.
This format allows the children to be both spectator and take an active part in the dance throughout the day switching, from spectator to dancer.
What is really important to us in this very open format, is that it allows for each child, just like each teacher, to lose themselves in the dance at their own pace, with their own sensitivity. They can also keep coming back to the dance games all year long, even after our departure.
Émilie Buestel et Marie Doiret
Team from Sauf le dimanche
A few performances
The Kindergarten school Louis Pergaud, Pont-Audemer (27)
On the 27, 28 April and the 2nd of May 2017
Theme: swapping gestures – observing space around you – the different skills of the human body. After the immersion, the middle school students presented their dances in the Théâtre les Éclats.
The Kindergarten school Jean Lurçat, in Gentilly (92)
On the 19, 20, 21 march 2018
The Kindergarten school Lamartine, in Gentilly (92)
On the 4, 6, 7 December 2018
Download the full show’s folder by clicking here